Stay positive during this Corona Pandemic

To be honest it was difficult to put my thoughts into words for this post, especially the title, after all that describes the agenda. But without trying to sound gloomy or another propagator of the rat race agenda, I want this post to be soothing and helpful at the same time. This pandemic has us…

Do What Your Heart Wants

Are you someone who finds it difficult to wade through the day? It becomes difficult for you to navigate through your day with ease. You always expect yhe day to get over sooner So that you cango to bed. Thats not the way of life. Life is meant to be fulfilling, enriching and joyful. If…

The Recipe for Happiness

What is the recipe for happiness? First, let us findout if any such recipe exists. If yes, where can we find it. What are the ingredients? Happiness, the word itself brings a smile on your face, or reminds you of any such memory which made you happy. Strange, isn’t it? How the mind works? Now…


We all are born with different exteriors; everyone is different yet so unfailingly same. We all bear the same organs, the same features, but the striking difference is in the way they designed. Often looking at someone else, mostly while growing up, in your teens or later, more often than not, we feel the ache…

You are sunshine of my life-Happy Mother’s Day!

Ahhh Sunshine? Can we ever live without it? Not for long! This one will surely be my Mom, as this is centered around the Women in your life. Had it not been limited to just the fairer sex, I would have tweaked in my Dad too, they both are what I can call the sunshine…

The Secret To Endless Charm

We create an opinion about someone we meet within a few seconds of our first interaction. Let’s take a walk down the memory lane and try to recall how many times, you, sitting in a cafeteria, coffee shop, park and basically anywhere in the world formed an opinion about someone you just saw? Umpteen times,…

5 Quotes for Monday Motivation

Monday is back again and today I am going to write a post which will uplift your moods and help you beat those Monday blues. Well, not necessarily Monday blues, but to keep you steering whenever you feel stuck or demotivated. Trust me , when I say this because everyone has some terribly bad days…

How To Be Confident ? For the Millennia Woman

In the last article we saw what is making us non-confident. In short “Why WE Lack Confidence?” You can read it Here. Now that we know the reasons for our lack of confidence, let us probe the various possibilities to gain our confidence right back! Without further adieu lets dive into the topic straightaway. FACE…

Why Do WE Lack Confidence?

Confidence is the new trend that every millennia woman needs to have up her sleeve. It doesn’t matter if you are dressed like a celebrity about to walk on the red carpet; but if you lack the persona that goes with the attire, you, my dear friend must be prepared to be treated off-offhandedly. If…

How To Stay Positive When Things Go Wrong?

It is easy to be happy, cheerful and carefree when everything is sailing smoothly in your life. Needless to say you are like that happy bird frolicking in the vast sky. But when the strings of your life are pulled too hard and you are in the face of adversity, its difficult to continue maintaining your calm demeanor and put that smile on your face. Read on how to overcome this and stay positive even in the face of Adversity.